Yoga is a practice which continuously cultivates my body, mind, and heart. It is a sanctuary where I can come to wring out my body, center my mind, and acknowledge my heart. I apply my student disposition to all things yoga, and I bring my love of teaching to it's unreachable shores.
I am currently teaching no public yoga classes in Ruidoso. Private sessions are available. Email for any questions and to schedule.
What is Forrest Yoga®?
The following text from http://www.forrestyoga.comAna Forrest spent 30 years developing Forrest Yoga® specifically to address Our People's stresses and challenges, both physical and emotional. Forrest Yoga uses intense pose sequences, compassionately taught, to develop skills in awakening each of the senses. It teaches you to bring aliveness, using breath, into every cell of your body, igniting your passion for living.
The pillars of Forrest Yoga® are Breath, Strength, Integrity and Spirit. Its mission is to create in each of us a sense of freedom, a connection to our spirit and the courage to walk as our spirit dictates; thus, doing our part in "Mending the Hoop of the People". Forrest Yoga will teach you to Go Deeper, find your Truth and encourage you to take these gifts you have earned Beyond the Mat into the rest of your life.
As a beginner to Forrest Yoga®, you learn to breathe deeply and connect in feeling with your body. As you progress, you get proficient at safely tailoring each pose to work best for you; particularly with physical and emotional injuries. Learning to work honestly at your edges, you develop effective tools to deal with fear, struggle, and breakthroughs. This makes it possible for integrity, self-awareness and playful curiosity to become part of your daily life.
Forrest Yoga® does not require strength or flexibility; it only requires that you bring a willingness to learn how to feel authentically and respond honestly. The Forrest Yoga® method gets you connecting to your core - getting strong and centered. It uses heat, deep breathing and vigorous sequences to sweat out toxins while the long holds in the pose progressions help you flush, oxygenate and rejuvenate every cell.
Forrest Yoga® honors and celebrates the beauty of life and the power of Spirit. It is an inspiring yoga workout that builds flexibility, intelligence and strength while helping deepen the relationship with your authentic self. Accessing your intuition, the voice of your Spirit, builds personal strength and ushers integrity into your daily interactions with all beings. Forrest Yoga challenges you to heal, grow and welcome your Spirit home.
Yoga Links
List Yoga Teacher Trainings - At Yoga Site.comYoga Basics: online guide to the practice of yoga, pranayama, postures, poses, asana, breathing, meditation
Hindu books, good list.
Yoga Sutras - Links to different translations of the Yoga Sutras online.
Practice CDS/DVDS Good price on Ana Forrest 5 day Intensive CD set.
Bikram Yoga In Hood River, Oregon - Lists Bikram poses and benefits
AshtangaYoga.info - Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga made in Germany. Lots of info and pictures on the postures. Some in German.
Bandhas - Detailed discussion/description of the Bandhas.
Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute - Pattabhi Jois Website
World of Yoga - Desikachar and Krishnamacharya website, the Yoga of Yoga, yoga as way more than just asana practice.
Core Sequencing - Structural Bodywork, Forrest Yoga, Cleansing, and Emotional Process. The perfect package.
Yogi Times - The Yoga Trade magazine for Yoga Teachers and Studio owners.
Desikachar interview - Yoga is about mind...
Yoga.com - Great forums, online community of Yogis.
Forrest Yoga - The Yoga system developed by Ana Forrest incorportating vigorous sequencing, long holds, ab work, and emotional work. I will be attending the teacher training in Oct 2005.
Shiva Rea - Vinyasa Flow Yoga.
Richard Freeman - Ashtanga Yoga.
Manduka Mats - High quality, expensive yoga mat.
Crescent Moon YogaYoga accessories and bags, fashionable, functional, and expensive.
Marika - Sells the ShivaShakti Yoga clothing line, which is fabulous.
Email me at shivashiva@myway.com
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